AIRPOLIM-T (Air Pollution Impact Model for Transport)
The AIRPOLIM-T uses an accessible methodology for quantifying the health impacts of air pollution from the transport sector that can be applied in multiple countries, or cities, in the form of an open-source Excel tool. It calculates the impacts on mortality from four adulthood diseases: lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), ischemic heart disease and stroke, as well as lower respiratory infections (LRI) in children and adults – all of whose prevalence is increased with the intake of pollution. The tool can be used to compare the magnitude of health impacts under different scenarios for future transport sector pathways. This analysis can help policymakers or civil society organisations in highlighting the benefits of a low-carbon development of the transport sector.

CLIMTRADE: Economic impacts of climate regulation in trade
The CLIMTRADE tool allows users to analyse a range of economic impacts associated with carbon border adjustments. The Excel-based tool uses partial equilibrium modelling and input-output analysis to provide quantitative insights into economic indicators such as national export revenues, domestic employment, or GDP.

Initiating a fair and inclusive energy transition in Indonesia
This paper sets out our analysis of the Indonesian government plan to replace 3.4GW of coal units at Suralaya with new grid-connected solar PV capacity in the Java-Bali grid. We present potential impacts across development indicators (SDGs), and identify barriers and enablers. We also make suggestions on steps different stakeholders could take to make this plan a reality and how they can contribute to an inclusive push for the clean energy transition in Indonesia.

The global protein transition: An opportunity for Argentina
In this report, we explore the effects and opportunities the global protein transition can bring to Argentina. By promoting the development of a strong domestic alternative protein industry and a shift away from animal-based protein production, the public sector can promote export diversification and reduce transition risks, drive domestic value creation and employment.
This report is part of a three-part report series focusing on Argentina’s agricultural sector.

Climate change mitigation options for Argentina’s agriculture sector
We evaluate a range of potential climate change mitigation measures in the agriculture sector in Argentina in close consultation with experts from INTA, based on available literature to support calculations, perception of feasibility of implementation, relevance in the national context and potential additional benefits.
This report is part of a three-part report series focusing on Argentina’s agricultural sector.

Transition risks for Argentina’s agriculture sector
In this report we analyse the transition risks faced by Argentina’s export-oriented agriculture sector in the context of increasingly carbon-constrained commodity trade. The report suggests that Argentina should find ways of reconciling plans to promote its agri-export model with its stated climate ambition. By exploring and implementing mitigation options that help the sector reduce its emission intensity, Argentina can strengthen its position as a key exporter of agriculture commodities on world markets.
This report is part of a three-part report series focusing on Argentina’s agricultural sector.

NDC Update Report, Nov. 2021
The 2021 NDC Update report discusses the progressions of updated NDCs. While we find substantial progression in updated NDCs, it is time to pull the emergency brake: all actors, including national and subnational governments, need to put forward bold climate pledges, carefully consider socioeconomic impacts, and back up commitments with concrete plans and real action.

Replacing Suralaya coal with solar PV: Initiating a fair and inclusive energy transition in Indonesia
This presentation sets out our analysis of Indonesian government announced plans to replace 3.4GW of coal units at Suralaya with new grid-connected solar PV. We examine a range of climate and wider socioeconomic impacts, explore feasibility and offer recommendations to ensure coal phase-out is delivered in a fair and inclusive manner. The slides formed the basis of focus group discussions with key energy sector stakeholders in Indonesia.

Kenya Power’s Decarbonising the Energy Mix Initiative
The scoping study aims to support Kenya Power’s Decarbonise the Energy Mix Initiative that is included in the company’s Strategic Plan 2018-2023 by analysing potential challenges associated with power sector decarbonisation and suitable intervention options to overcome these challenges.

The Kenyan cooking sector – Opportunities for climate action and sustainable development
This study provides new and additional insights on the specific link between residential cooking solutions, climate change, health impacts and associated sustainable development objectives in Kenya. It builds on the 2019 National Cooking Sector Study and uses scenario modelling to present different possible development pathways for the Kenyan residential cooking sector, estimating their respective impact on GHG emissions and human health.

The energy transition after Covid-19 – Perspectives on green recovery and NDC ambition raising
This paper discusses the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis on the energy sector and frames it in the broader perspective of the climate crisis and development aspirations. We present practical challenges and responses observed in several emerging economies and developing countries, and discuss how key patterns in those countries are relevant for the post-COVID energy transition. We conclude by offering three considerations on how governments can strengthen their NDC update and signal the highest possible climate ambition for the energy sector.

NDC Update Report, Dec. 2020
The 2020 NDC Update report discusses countries’ preparedness to ratchet up ambition in the first NDC update cycle amidst a global health crisis. Based on our survey of 98 policy makers and experts involved in NDC planning and implementation from 83 countries, we discuss the progress of NDC implementation since 2015, expectations for the NDC update cycle, and progress on the development of Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategies (LTSs). We analyse the potential impact of COVID-19 on climate planning and climate action with regards to the future of clean technologies, the national climate agenda and mitigation pathways.

Climate change and sustainable development in the Kenyan electricity sector – Impacts of electricity sector development on Kenya’s NDC
The objective of this report is to synthesize the analysis and results from analytical and capacity support activities undertaken as part of the “Ambition to Action” (A2A) project in Kenya between March 2017 and December 2019. The insights aim to inform policy planning in the Kenyan electricity sector and to feed into the discussions around more ambitious climate targets for successive NDCs, aligned with the country’s sustainable development agenda, and the long-term strategy.

Assessing sustainable development impacts of scaling-up climate action in the electricity sector – Lessons learnt from country processes
Based on experiences in several countries, this paper formulates six key lessons learnt for the assessment of sustainable development impacts and their integration into climate policy making. The lessons focus on technical as well as political aspects and include recommendations for future work in this area to support ambition raising and sustainable development through robust evidence.

Three Indonesian solar-powered futures
This report takes a closer look at solar photovoltaic (PV) as a clean alternative to coal-powered electricity supply for Indonesia. We establish a sense of direction and scale of the impacts of solar PV deployment on energy security, emissions, employment, air pollution, and SDGs. With analyses such as this one we hope to inform and inspire support for energy and climate policy that truly reflects Indonesia’s ‘highest possible ambition’ towards achieving prosperity and fighting climate change.

Towards a better understanding of NDC ambition – lessons from political economy analysis in development support
This working paper discusses political economy analysis (PEA), a structured approach to analysing sector politics which has been used and studied especially in the realm of development support. We investigate whether looking at sector transitions through a PEA-lens will allow us to see which political factors are at play when determining ambitious climate policy. Understanding how these political dynamics determine which outcomes are feasible and which are not, will contribute towards a better understanding of NDC ambition.

Fitness framework for assessing NDC ambition – analysing the likelihood that ambition will lead to action
The Fitness Framework presented here is a tool with the potential to add value over existing approaches to assessing climate ambition and action, by explicitly taking stakeholders and their behaviour into account, and building on that to explain why change is more or less likely to happen (this likelihood is what we call ‘fitness’). It aims to provide a structure for analysing the political economy of ambition raising, using concepts familiar to climate and development experts. This is a work in progress.

A roadmap for the power supply sector in Argentina – Implications of ambitious climate action for policy and investment
The “Ambition to Action” (A2A) project provided support to the Argentinian NDC process between March 2017 and December 2019. This report provides a synthesis of the results of three years of supporting governmental and non-governmental constituencies with analytical support for the energy supply sector. At the core of the work were three strands. 1) Scenario analysis to support the understanding of the implication of the long term temperature goals of the Paris Agreement. 2) Analysis of socio-economic impacts of the energy transition, especially regarding employment and industrial development. And 3) a framework to help better understand the technical challenges of the energy transition in the power sector.

Co-benefits on the interface between energy security and ambitious climate policy
This paper takes a closer look at energy security and how it relates to ambitious climate policy. It aims to help the reader think more clearly about energy security as a co-benefit in the context of increasing climate ambition. To structure energy security topics for those involved in NDC planning and implementation, we present 10 themes on the interface between energy security and ambitious climate policy, as a starting point for identifying co-benefits, NDC support, and choosing the ‘highest possible ambition’ for NDC updates.

NDC Update Report, Nov. 2019
The NDC Update Report tracks the progress on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. The theme of this report is the role of long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LTSs) in achieving the Paris Agreement goal. This report argues for the importance of developing long-term (sector) strategies to determine the highest possible ambition for the coming NDC update (until 2030) and to signal a clear path for future NDC ambition raising (towards net-zero in 2050). Governments can use the NDC update to signal that indeed the highest possible ambition needs to lead to decarbonisation by 2050 or shortly thereafter.

Domestic expenditure and employment impacts of power sector development in Thailand
This paper presents the results of a modelling assessment to estimate the expenditure, investment and employment impacts of three different power sector development scenarios for Thailand, using the EIM-ES model created by the A2A project.

The role of renewable energy mini-grids in Kenya’s electricity sector
This report synthesises available analyses on the role and potential of mini-grids in Kenya and explores how this technology can help the country attain its goal of universal electrification by 2022, and also contribute to the achievement of other related development objectives. The synthesis aims to provide policy makers with the required evidence and justification for elevating the position of off-grid solutions in electricity sector development and planning and the political agenda.

The role of geothermal and coal in Kenya’s electricity sector
This study aims at supporting decision making in the electricity sector by comparing the two main power generation technologies that are considered baseload electricity supply options in Kenya, namely geothermal and coal, and the impact of developing these technologies on generation costs, affordability of electricity, and overall flexibility and reliability of electricity supply. In addition, the report quantifies the impact that geothermal and coal-based power generation has on employment creation, health and climate change.

AIRPOLIM-ES (Air Pollution Impact Model for Electricity Supply)
The AIRPOLIM-ES is an accessible, Excel-based tool that estimates the health impacts of air pollution from different sources of electricity generation and other fuel combustion that can be applied in multiple countries. The first version of the model focuses on air pollution caused by electricity generation from coal- and gas-fired power plants. It calculates the impacts on mortality (premature deaths and years of life lost) from four adulthood diseases: lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ischemic heart disease and stroke, all of whose prevalence is increased with the intake of pollution. The tool can be used to compare the magnitude of health impacts under different scenarios across both existing and planned plants.

EIM-ES (Economic Impact Model for Electricity Supply)
The EIM-ES is a transparent, Excel-based tool that estimates the domestic employment impacts of investments in the electricity supply sector within a country to aid policy decision makers. The model covers all relevant electricity generation technologies – both low carbon and fossil fuel-based plants – in order to provide an assessment of employment creation under different future pathways for the development of the electricity sector. It also provides information on wider economic indicators such as investment requirements, economic value added and trade.
The tool has been used both by NewClimate Institute as well as other organisations and individuals to compare the magnitude of employment and other economic impacts under a range of scenarios in several countries, including: Argentina, South Africa, Indonesia, Thailand, Kenya, Australia, Mexico and Rwanda, with analysis ongoing in a number of additional countries.

Transformation towards a decarbonised electricity sector – a framework of analysis for power system transformation
This paper develops a qualitative assessment framework that allows policy makers to understand the complexity of power sector transformation and to analyse their country’s position in the transformation process, including key challenges impacting the integration of vRES and examples for technically feasible solutions.

When the stars align: investigating the influence of the co-benefits narrative on climate policy ambition
This research paper explores how evidence on co-benefits has positively influenced climate policy ambition, through three case studies, a review of academic literature, and interviews with experts.

NDC Update Report June 2019
The NDC Update Report tracks the progress on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. The theme of this special edition is “sector decarbonisation pathways”. To reach the long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement, most countries will need to reduce emissions to net-zero in 2050 or shortly thereafter. We consider this challenge from a sector perspective, examining decarbonisation from several different angles.

Scoping study Industrial development in Thailand: Renewable energy sector
This Scoping Study presents an overview of the renewable energy sector in Thailand to inform our project’s work on industrial development potential, including an initial assessment of local activity along key value chains and mapping of stakeholders and policies.

Grid integration of variable renewables in Indonesia
This policy brief presents a number of considerations for Indonesia related to integrating variable renewables into a power grid, looks at how these relate to the local energy context, and offers direction to prepare for future integration of significant levels of solar and wind energy in emerging power grids.

NDC Update Report Nov 2018
The NDC Update Report tracks the progress on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. The theme of this edition is “Ambition”: We look ahead and explore whether governments are ready for the next round of pledges and where support and preparation could focus.

Grid integration of variable renewables in Argentina
Integration of high shares of renewables is an important consideration for decarbonisation of the power sector. A2A organised a workshop with stakeholders on the integration of renewable energy technologies into the Argentinean electricity system.

NDC Update Report Nov 2017
The NDC Update Report tracks the progress on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. The theme of this edition is “Progress”: we critically analyse perceptions on the NDC implementation progress among national and sector experts involved in NDC processes in emerging and developing countries.

NDC Update Report May 2017
This report is the prologue to a series of update reports on NDC-related topics. It critically looks at recent developments around NDC implementation and presents the findings of a survey carried out among government representatives and practitioners working on NDC implementation.