NDC Update Report, Nov. 2021
The 2021 NDC Update report discusses the progressions of updated NDCs. While we find substantial progression in updated NDCs, it is time to pull the emergency brake: all actors, including national and subnational governments, need to put forward bold climate pledges, carefully consider socioeconomic impacts, and back up commitments with concrete plans and real action.
The energy transition after Covid-19 – Perspectives on green recovery and NDC ambition raising
This paper discusses the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis on the energy sector and frames it in the broader perspective of the climate crisis and development aspirations. We present practical challenges and responses observed in several emerging economies and developing countries, and discuss how key patterns in those countries are relevant for the post-COVID energy transition. We conclude by offering three considerations on how governments can strengthen their NDC update and signal the highest possible climate ambition for the energy sector.
NDC Update Report, Dec. 2020
The 2020 NDC Update report discusses countries’ preparedness to ratchet up ambition in the first NDC update cycle amidst a global health crisis. Based on our survey of 98 policy makers and experts involved in NDC planning and implementation from 83 countries, we discuss the progress of NDC implementation since 2015, expectations for the NDC update cycle, and progress on the development of Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategies (LTSs). We analyse the potential impact of COVID-19 on climate planning and climate action with regards to the future of clean technologies, the national climate agenda and mitigation pathways.
Assessing sustainable development impacts of scaling-up climate action in the electricity sector – Lessons learnt from country processes
Based on experiences in several countries, this paper formulates six key lessons learnt for the assessment of sustainable development impacts and their integration into climate policy making. The lessons focus on technical as well as political aspects and include recommendations for future work in this area to support ambition raising and sustainable development through robust evidence.
Towards a better understanding of NDC ambition – lessons from political economy analysis in development support
This working paper discusses political economy analysis (PEA), a structured approach to analysing sector politics which has been used and studied especially in the realm of development support. We investigate whether looking at sector transitions through a PEA-lens will allow us to see which political factors are at play when determining ambitious climate policy. Understanding how these political dynamics determine which outcomes are feasible and which are not, will contribute towards a better understanding of NDC ambition.
Fitness framework for assessing NDC ambition – analysing the likelihood that ambition will lead to action
The Fitness Framework presented here is a tool with the potential to add value over existing approaches to assessing climate ambition and action, by explicitly taking stakeholders and their behaviour into account, and building on that to explain why change is more or less likely to happen (this likelihood is what we call ‘fitness’). It aims to provide a structure for analysing the political economy of ambition raising, using concepts familiar to climate and development experts. This is a work in progress.
Co-benefits on the interface between energy security and ambitious climate policy
This paper takes a closer look at energy security and how it relates to ambitious climate policy. It aims to help the reader think more clearly about energy security as a co-benefit in the context of increasing climate ambition. To structure energy security topics for those involved in NDC planning and implementation, we present 10 themes on the interface between energy security and ambitious climate policy, as a starting point for identifying co-benefits, NDC support, and choosing the ‘highest possible ambition’ for NDC updates.
NDC Update Report, Nov. 2019
The NDC Update Report tracks the progress on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. The theme of this report is the role of long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LTSs) in achieving the Paris Agreement goal. This report argues for the importance of developing long-term (sector) strategies to determine the highest possible ambition for the coming NDC update (until 2030) and to signal a clear path for future NDC ambition raising (towards net-zero in 2050). Governments can use the NDC update to signal that indeed the highest possible ambition needs to lead to decarbonisation by 2050 or shortly thereafter.
Transformation towards a decarbonised electricity sector – a framework of analysis for power system transformation
This paper develops a qualitative assessment framework that allows policy makers to understand the complexity of power sector transformation and to analyse their country’s position in the transformation process, including key challenges impacting the integration of vRES and examples for technically feasible solutions.
When the stars align: investigating the influence of the co-benefits narrative on climate policy ambition
This research paper explores how evidence on co-benefits has positively influenced climate policy ambition, through three case studies, a review of academic literature, and interviews with experts.
NDC Update Report June 2019
The NDC Update Report tracks the progress on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. The theme of this special edition is “sector decarbonisation pathways”. To reach the long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement, most countries will need to reduce emissions to net-zero in 2050 or shortly thereafter. We consider this challenge from a sector perspective, examining decarbonisation from several different angles.
NDC Update Report Nov 2018
The NDC Update Report tracks the progress on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. The theme of this edition is “Ambition”: We look ahead and explore whether governments are ready for the next round of pledges and where support and preparation could focus.
NDC Update Report Nov 2017
The NDC Update Report tracks the progress on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. The theme of this edition is “Progress”: we critically analyse perceptions on the NDC implementation progress among national and sector experts involved in NDC processes in emerging and developing countries.
NDC Update Report May 2017
This report is the prologue to a series of update reports on NDC-related topics. It critically looks at recent developments around NDC implementation and presents the findings of a survey carried out among government representatives and practitioners working on NDC implementation.